If you’re living with a disability, like many other Canadians, it can cause a big negative impact on your ability to live your life and earn a living.
If your disability is affecting your ability to work, you’ll likely have applied for long-term disability benefits. It may take a few months to receive your answer, and if you receive a rejection, it can feel devastating? What do you do? How do you move forward?
At Stephens Holman Devraj Barristers & Solicitors, our goal is to help you answer those questions and assist you with your long-term disability claims. Most Albertans apply for long-term disability (LTD) through their employer. This coverage is intended to help provide you with proper financial support in cases of injury or illness. If your long-term disability claim has been turned down, don’t panic. Instead, here is what you can do.
Understand Your Rights
You have rights – make sure you know them. Speaking to a disability lawyer is the best way to better understand the rights you have.
Insurance companies who deny your claim will rely on your giving up and walking away from the money that is rightfully yours. Many people will throw in the towel after being denied because they don’t know what else they can do – we’re here to tell you that you still have options.
If you are legitimately disable and your doctor supports your time off work due to your condition, you will likely have a case. A disability lawyer can assess your options and help you make the right decision for you and your family.
Focus on Your Health and Treatment
While you’re waiting for more information on your long-term disability claim, you should take this opportunity to work with your doctor to get the support you need. Follow their advice on treatment and check with them to see how long you will need to be off work. Your top priority should be your health and recovery.
Additionally, it is vital that you get a note from your doctor explaining that your condition leaves you unfit to work. A medical professional can help ensure that you can remain off work, recovering, until you are ready to return.
Don’t Appeal the Decision
If you’ve been denied, your insurance company will likely offer you a chance to appeal the decision.
While it might seem tempting, we recommend avoiding that route as your appeal will often be handled by the same person who rejected your long-term disability claim application in the first place.
Instead, let a disability lawyer fight for you. We know the process inside and out, formally representing you and communicating with your insurance company on your behalf.
Need Help? Call Stephens Holman Devraj Barristers & Solicitors Today
Stephens Holman Devraj Barristers & Solicitors aims to provide you with expert advice and assistance when applying for long-term disability claims.
If you have been rejected by your insurer, call us for a free consultation and we will work with you on the next steps so you can receive the best possible outcome.