Know Your Eligibility and Details About CAP Claims in Calgary
Sometimes, motor vehicle accidents can result in minor injuries involving strains and sprains. Compensation for such minor injuries is covered under THE MINOR INJURY REGULATION. For such cases, the Government of Alberta has set the amount for compensation for minor soft tissue injuries. In 2021, the Alberta Treasury Board and Finance has set the CAP amount to $5,365.
What is a CAP Claim?
As per the law, CAP claims are those injuries that are diagnosed as a strain or sprain to a muscle, tendon, ligament or joint, that does not affect the long-term functioning of the human body or ability to work in the long run. Medical records along with the nature and duration of treatment determine whether an injury is minor or capped. Contact us today to discuss your CAP Claim.

Injuries That Fall Outside of the CAP
However, injuries like concussion, TMJ, mental, emotional, or psychological injuries can be considered as CAP claims only if they heal within a particular period of time. Injuries that at first appear to be minor may transform into long-term issues and fall outside of the CAP. It is best to discuss your case with our experienced lawyers to get advice.
Our Legal Services
Accidents on the road can happen at any time. Injuries and damage to your vehicle are common side-effects of being involved in a motor vehicle accident. We can help you explore your legal options if you have sustained injuries in an accident.
If you slip, fall, or get bitten by an animal and you believe the cause of your injury to be a person or company's negligence, you might be entitled to financial compensation. Stephens Holman Devraj can offer you legal advice on the matter.

CAP Claims
If your injuries fall under the minor injuries guideline, then you might be eligible to get a special claim capped at a legally-regulated amount referred to as CAP claims. But it is important to know about the CAP claim exceptions amd whether you are entitled to more.
If you have lost a loved one and believe another party to be at fault, you may be entitled to a wrongful death claim. This allows certain family members to get financial compensation for their loss and we, at Stephens Holman Devraj, can help you with your claim.
Accidents can cause long-term disabilities and prevent you from going back to life as you knew it. In such scenarios, we aim to help you in getting long-term disability benefits and the means for the best possible quality of life.
Our services include notarization of documents, administering oaths, affirmations and solemn declarations.
Panic can worsen the situation at the site of the accident. Try to stay calm, seek immediate medical attention, and retain information related to the accident so that it can help you get compensation and justice.