Consult with Our Car Accident Lawyer in Calgary
A car accident can create panic and make it hard to think clearly. As a result, an accident victim may be confused or unsure about what to do next. Sometimes, people take the wrong steps, leading to a loss of opportunity for compensation for damages and injuries.
At Stephen Holman Devraj, we aim to present your case honestly. Our team of lawyers are well-versed in accident injury law and can provide legal advice in case of an accident resulting in injuries or damages. They will help you navigate through the legal system and will endeavour to get you the best possible compensation. With around 47 years of personal injury law experience, we work with the motive to provide the best possible legal advice. Our vast experience helps us to understand the requirements of our clients and help them get the best compensation possible.
If you’ve been injured in a no-fault car, motorcycle, bicycle, or pedestrian accident, you owe it to yourself to protect your rights and get legal representation. Whether your claim qualifies as a CAP Claim or your injuries are more severe, we aim to help you in every way possible. Feel free to contact us for a free consultation for car accident lawyers in Calgary.
When Do You Need a Car Accident Lawyer in Calgary?
If you experience discomfort due to an accident that is not your fault, you must contact a car injury lawyer in Calgary. It may come as a surprise, but not all car and vehicle accident cases are accepted. Whether the damage to your vehicle is small (a few scrapes on the bumper), the collision was low-speed, or your pain level is minimal, you are still entitled to compensation.
In some situations, seeking the assistance of a car accident lawyer becomes imperative.
Serious injuries and medical expenses: If you've sustained serious injuries in a car accident, it's crucial to consult a car accident lawyer in Calgary. Professionals can help you navigate the complex process of seeking compensation.
Determining liability: Establishing who is at fault in a car accident is not always straightforward. A skilled car accident lawyer can help investigate the incident, gather evidence, and work with experts if needed to determine liability.
Insurance disputes: Dealing with insurance companies can be difficult; sometimes, they may try to offer settlements that do not adequately cover your losses.
Lost wages and earnings: Suppose your injuries have led to time off work or have affected your ability to earn a living in the future. In that case, a car accident lawyer can help you seek compensation for lost wages and potential future earnings.
Wrongful death claims: In the unfortunate event of a loved one losing their life in a car accident, the emotional toll can be immense. A car accident lawyer can guide you through the process of filing a wrongful death claim and seeking compensation.
If the accident was more severe, causing permanent discomfort or serious harm in a specific part of your body, you must contact a car accident lawyer immediately.
How Should You Handle the Situation?
At the scene:
Inform the police immediately to get your accident reported and recorded
Call for immediate medical attention
Take Note of or Ask Someone to Collect the Following Information:
Name, phone number, and insurance information of the other party
Name and contact information of the witnesses
Take pictures or ask someone to capture the accident scene and vehicle damage
Avoid making any agreements or admissions at the scene of the incident
After the Accident:
Get all major and minor injuries treated by a doctor
If available, collect copies of all the medical reports, prescriptions, and bills
What You Should Not Do:
Make any agreement or admission over the phone or in writing to an insurance company or any other entity
Agree to any accident settlement without consulting a professional to determine whether it is appropriate
Assume that you do not have a case until you have discussed it with a personal injury lawyer
Presume that proper legal representation is not affordable or feasible for you
Frequently Asked Questions
Here are some frequently asked questions regarding car accident lawyers in Calgary.
What You Need to Know about Car Accident Insurance Claims in Calgary?
If you’ve recently been in a car accident, you may wonder what step to take first. A car accident lawyer can help you navigate the insurance claim process to ensure you get the support and compensation you deserve.
How Long Does It Take to Settle a Car Accident Claim in Alberta?
The time it takes to settle a car accident claim varies depending on the nature, extent, and severity of the injuries you have sustained. Because each person is unique, you should only consider settling your claim if you have fully recovered from your injuries or have achieved maximum medical improvement.
Why do insurance companies frequently deny claims initially?
An insurance company can deny your claim for many reasons. The denial may be their first step in the process, hoping you’ll accept their decision and move on with your life, saving the insurance company money.
If you’re ever denied a car accident insurance claim, don’t let it go without first having a car accident lawyer review it.
Should I Accept My First Compensation Offer?
After you’ve been injured in an accident, the at-fault driver’s insurance company may contact you with a settlement offer. Although it can be appealing to accept the fast payout, it’s in your best interest to wait until you fully understand the nature and scope of your injuries and the costs and losses associated with the accident. It’s best to have a car accident lawyer advocate on your behalf.
How Much Will a No-Fault Claim Raise My Insurance Premium?
If the accident was not your fault and the at fault party is insured, your premium will not go up. Alberta’s auto insurance system is a tort system. Damages are paid by the insurance company of the person at fault for the accident.
However, your own insurance company will pay accident benefits, commonly called Section B benefits, to anyone injured in a motor vehicle accident, regardless of who’s at fault. If you receive benefits under Section B, it won’t affect your insurance premiums.
What Can I Claim after an Accident?
You may be entitled to damages if you’ve been in an accident. To compensate for your physical and emotional injuries, you can seek compensation for pain and suffering, loss of enjoyment of life, loss of housekeeping capacity, loss of past and future income, cost of past and future care and a variety of other losses.
What Might Hurt My Car Accident Claim?
You could take a few missteps in those critical moments after an accident that may undermine your claim. First, don’t assume you’re at fault and take responsibility. Don’t agree to pay for any damages or discuss or accept any form of cash settlement.
Above all, don’t just let it go. At first, it may look like a harmless fender bender, however, you could be in shock and unaware of the extent of your injuries or the damage to your vehicle.
What’s the Minor Injury Regulation?
Alberta’s Minor Injury Regulation (MIR) sets a maximum limit on damages payable for minor injuries characterized as sprains, strains, or whiplash. In 2024, this limit is set at $6,061.
To learn more about our car accident lawyer and other services, please read our blog.
Do I Have an Auto Injury Case?
You may be entitled to auto-injury compensation if the following applies to you:
You suffered a physical, mental, or emotional injury.
Seek immediate medical attention if you are injured. Get treatment for all the injuries, even the minor ones, and get them evaluated. Collect copies of any medical reports, treatment plans, etc.
The injury was caused by the fault or negligence of someone else
The accident was not your fault. Sometimes accidents happen because of another person’s fault, including a company, another motorist, or a third party.

How Can You Proceed?
If you believe that you have a claim to get compensation for your injuries incurred as a result of a motor vehicle accident, you can move ahead with the following steps:
Obtain witness information—If you or someone you know meets with an accident, you should try to obtain the information from the person who has seen the accident/witnessed it. Getting complete information can help you further in the case.
Get immediate medical attention—Call for emergency medical help if you experience difficulty moving or if the accident is serious. Look for medical kits if someone has them available, which can be helpful in some way or other.
Retain photos and other evidence—In any legal action, one asks for proof and evidence to take action against it. The images should include the vehicle damage, injuries, road signs, and other significant details.
Keep copies of medical records and injury information—If available, keep copies of medical records you receive from your treatment providers.
Gather personal and insurance information of the other party—If possible, get the other party's personal and insurance information. This will make it easier in determining which insurance company will be responsible for the damages caused to you and your vehicle.
The benefits of having a Car Accident Lawyer
Here are some benefits of having a car accident lawyer—
Legal knowledge—A car accident lawyer has the knowledge and expertise to help you understand and navigate the process of making an injury claim. They can guide you through complex situations by adhering to proper rules and regulations.
Legal representation—A specialized lawyer can represent you in court if your case goes to trial. They can present your case strongly and persuasively and ensure your rights are protected.
Compensation— A car accident lawyer will seek to provide you with maximum compensation as per the seriousness of the case. They understand how to calculate the compensation, including all damages and medical expenses.
Focus on recovery— By handling the legal aspects of your case, a lawyer allows you to focus on your recovery and well-being. They alleviate stress and anxiety associated with legal proceedings, giving you peace of mind.
You Can Count on Us
Whether it’s a case of auto or personal injury, CAP claim, or wrongful death, our car accident lawyers will protect your interests. They will take the necessary steps to seek appropriate compensation on your behalf. Here is our commitment to you:
We get paid if and when you get paid
A Trusted Car Accident Lawyer in Calgary
To take all the guesswork out of your car accident claim, talk to a lawyer at Stephens Holman Devraj in Calgary. From navigating your insurance claim to suing for personal injuries, we’ll seek your best interests. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.
Our Legal Services

Accidents on the road can happen at any time. Injuries and damage to your vehicle are common side effects of being involved in a motor vehicle accident. We can help you explore your legal options if you have sustained injuries in an accident.
If you slip, fall, or believe your injury was caused by another person or company's negligence, you might be entitled to financial compensation. Stephens Holman Devraj can offer you legal advice on the matter.
If your injuries fall under the minor injury regulations, your claim might be capped at a regulated amount referred to as a CAP claim. However, some claims that appear to be CAP claims may fall outside this CAP. It is important to seek legal advice.
If you have lost a loved one and believe another party to be at fault, you may be entitled to a wrongful death claim. This allows certain family members to get compensation for their loss, and we at Stephens Holman Devraj can help you with your claim.
Accidents can cause long-term disabilities and prevent you from going back to life as you knew it. In such scenarios, we aim to help you get your long-term disability benefits and the means for the best possible quality of life.
Our services include notarizing documents administering oaths, affirmations, and solemn declarations.
Panic can worsen the situation at the accident site. Try to stay calm, seek immediate medical attention, and retain information related to the accident so that it can help you get compensation and justice.
Below, we have covered some of the frequently asked questions for your reference.
Who Can Make a Claim?Close family members like spouses, interdependent adult partners, parents, children, or siblings of the deceased person are eligible to make a claim.
Can There Be Multiple Claims?According to the act, the family is entitled to make only one claim.